...Once having traversed the threshold, the hero moves in a dream landscape of curiously fluid, ambiguous forms, where he must survive a succession of trials. This is a favorite phase of the myth-adventure. The hero is covertly aided by the advice, amulets, and secret agents of the supernatural helper whom he met before his entrance into this region. Or it may be that he here discovers for the first time that there is a benign power everywhere supporting him in his superhuman passage."
The more this adventure pans out the more closely it follows the Hero's Journey, or the Monomyth. It's quite remarkable actually. Even during the last phase (the belly of the whale) I met my guardian/mentor. Sister Dalton. I couldn't have picked a better person to take on that role. Now here I am on the "road of trials." Quite. This is definitely the hardest job I have ever had. I am so emotionally invested in these children's lives. I care so deeply about them and I'm constantly trying to figure out how I can be the best teacher I can be.By the end of the those ten hour days I am exhausted emotionally and physically. I have definitely already learned more than I can express in the few months that I have been here and there are still four more to go.... bring on those lessons! As is referred to in the quote above, I can definitely sense that "benign power" that is constantly bringing "supernatural aid." Lets just say that I would be lost without the guidance of the gospel in my life.
Trial number one: I have a basic reading class with thirteen students. This is a lot for our program considering that most classes have six or seven students. It has been the bane of my existence to try and figure out how to teach these childers in a good way. I'm starting to slowly figure it out but it's definitely not something I could have done without a little guidance from above.
Here we have little Joshua. I had to say goodbye to him this week because he was just a summer student. :(
Trial number two: Gilbert, our copy machine. This thing is a straight up dinosaur. There are days when I thinks the purpose of its existence is to try my patience.... and don't get me started on our old computers...
And then of course there's the weather trial. As a big weather fan this is one of those trials that I can't help but enjoy. The main big problem is the overwhelming, knock you over, humid heat. The temperature might be only in the low 90's but with the humidity it feels like 104. And that's at about seven o'clock at night. I am grateful to be in an air conditioned room for most of the day.
After a long, hot week, nothing is more welcome than a big Taiwanese rainstorm. They can pose a few problems, however, when it's a Sunday morning and your only method of transportation to the train station is your bicycle....

And then there's the trial, or rather the anti-trial, of celebrating your birthdays in a foreign land... KAILEY TURNS 21!!! Unfortunately we had to work all day so we couldn't really celebrate it throughout the day, but it was worth it when we found ourselves in the most posh restaurant I have ever encountered.

Despite these little 'trials' there are always things to look forward to that make this experience worthwhile... Challenges and adventures...they all work together to assist in the "transformation" right??
Each month at our school we select "Super Students" from our classes. Ever two months we take these super students out to McDonald's to celebrate their Super Studentry. We get to wear these lovely vests declaring that we teach at Maryland Language Institute making us complete walking billboards, but it is a lot of fun playing with our students outside of the classroom.
Here we have the sisters Ivy and Mimi. Mimi is in my Basic Readers class and Ivy is one of my 4A students. It's so fun teaching sisters. I was very excited that they both were super enough to come at the same time. Cute girls.

Once again we were invited on a little "home visit" excursion.This time it was Kailey's student but her family was kind enough to invite us all. I was certainly glad for the opportunity. This time we went to the Sitou Forest. Not too far from Jhushan and Sun Moon Lake. I sure do love our trips into the heart of this country. It is so lush and lovely. You can't help but feel like you are in Jurassic Park or Ferngully.

This country loves corn. You can get a little piece of corn on the cob just about anywhere you go. George and Grace were so so kind and bought us all a little piece of corn while we sat gazing upon the great tree. I couldn't resist taking a picture with it because several of the students at the school decided my Chinese name should be Euoo Mee (ha! I don't know the pinyin) or, Corn. I think its because Karyn kind of sounds like Corn. It was easy for me to recognize this because Cammie has been calling me Karn for years now... but there you have it!

One of my favorite parts of the Sitou Forest was the Sky Walk. So when I said in my last post that I was reminded of the games Myst and Riven I had no idea how accurate that actually was... well its either Myst or the little tree network society of Robin Hood and his Merry Men... "To the trees!"


And then there was a gigantic bamboo owl. Seeing as I was wearing an owl shirt, I thought it appropriate to pose with said owl structure.

Let me pause here to say that while I am still waiting for my spirit animal to manifest itself in an impressive way, there have been a few applicants for the position. Animals I have seen here in action: 3 creeeeeeeepy spiders, many many koi, several little crabs, frogs, lizards, hordes of dragonflies, a beautiful white crane flying over the ocean, a real flying squirrel (one of my favs.), and I'm still waiting to see fireflies..... basically I just need one to step up to the role of spirit animal....
And then came my birthday....
Kevyn and Allison invited us to join them at this little surf town on the east coast of the island: Wushi Gong. This is a little taste of the beautiful view of the coast we enjoyed on our train ride out there.
And of course we couldn't spend the whole time surfing...
Images and lessons from surfing that I will definitely want to hold on to:
-I love watching everyone out on the ocean, sitting or holding onto their boards, all eyes following the movement of the ocean. It was incredible to see so many faces turned towards the same natural phenomena. The waves determine everything. If you look away for a second you could miss your chance for a great ride, or worse, be overtaken by a big one... the focus was everything. There is definitely a lesson in there...
-It takes more than just practicing hopping up on your board. Before you can surf you have to figure out how to read the waves. You have to be able to predict when they will break. Timing is everything.
-My favorite: While I was trying to figure it all out I kept having trouble getting my board to straighten out right. I would just get up on my board in time to catch a good one when my board would turn. It wasn't until after a few awkward attempts that a wise surfer told me to pick a spot to look at out on the beach. Having nothing to lose, I gave it a go. It was amazing. I have no idea why it worked, but as soon as I stopped focusing on the water and the people around me, and started focusing on a specific point on the beach, my board magically lined itself up just right and I was able to stand. I don't think I need to spell out the lesson in that for anyone. All I can say is I can't wait to use a surfing metaphor in a future talk or lesson.
Will I be going surfing again? Most definitely. Such a rush.

Crab. (which you had to crack open with your teeth.) Sushi-mi. And soup......
The rest of the evening was quite interesting although not interesting enough to be blog worthy... All that needs to be said is that Kailey and I got to play mediators in a little relationship schism. Whats a weekend without a little drama right?? Ha. Fortunately we were able to mend things enough for the next day to remain unspoiled...
While we were on the beach we had noticed a bunch of para-gliders floating down from a lovely cliff to the beach below. So naturally we had to do it. The next morning Kailey, Allison, and I set out - once again using our minimal knowledge of Chinese and a lot of body language and stick figure drawings. Language barrier, schanguage barrier. Our goal was para-gliding and we accomplished just that.
As I gazed out onto the ocean below, I prepared for my first big moment in my airbending training.
Thankfully, we were attached to trained gliders and my trainer spoke pretty good English. Otherwise I don't know how I would have felt about running straight off of a cliff. With the guidance of my sensei, I ran straight forward until I felt the parachute gently catch hold and before I knew it I was gently flying out over the coast.
It was marvelous.
This is a picture Kailey got of me in flight. :) You can see the beautiful Turtle Island in the distance behind me.

And this is the beautiful beach we landed on...
What a perfect way to celebrate....
This is our year!!!
What is it about large bodies of water that reach so deeply in to the human soul?? We can't help but feel it pulling us in. It's the same everywhere you go. The beauty of the ocean is universal as is the human draw towards water. H2O. Life. ....I think I will choreograph a dance about it....
....Swim with me darling, if you've got the inkling to dance...
And then of course at the end of the weekend in which we frequently broke out into the classic B*Witched song.....
Cups that say "C'est La Vie!" .......some people say I look like me dad! Very appropriate seeing as I was spending my 21st in the same place my Dad spent his.... and its true some people do say that...
And what could possibly make this birthday weekend of the gods any better?? COLDSTONE! Thank you Taipei bus/train station.
While returning to the classroom after such a weekend didn't necessarily sound ideal, I was happy to receive an incredible little package from my family with the best birthday gifts ever: deodorant. fancy rain poncho with grandma hair protector. cake mix with frosting. talking card. skirts from the DI. an awesome mix-tape. and a fu-manchu mustache complete with little beads on the ends. What more could a girl ask for??? Only a letter from her grandma...Which came just a few days later. :) BEST BIRTHDAY EVER.
The "road of trials" is certainly still underway, but I am extremely blessed and with the support of my dear friends and family and of course, the Lord, I feel like I could take on the world!
"the water beckons in its childish innocence. Put your feet in me, come on put your heart in me. So a little further, little further, little further. Cautiously, but eagerly she steps into the sea, and it swallows her whole!"- bramble.
ReplyDeleteI miss you. lots and lots. call me eh.
bramble. love. miss you!